Saturday, March 6, 2021

Okay artists... finally an update

 I have just heard (via text) from Jodi Lightner that we will be able to use the main drawing room in April, after school has let out for the semester.  There will be restrictions in place (to be expected) such as the school is still requiring masks, but not for the model.  We may need to use disinfectant at the end of the night as well.  All of this is predicated on the Covid numbers continuing to decline. Nothing the new normal hasn't already instilled in us.  When I know more I'll pass it on and when I have an actual date I'll post it.  There may be a light at the end of the tunnel...


  1. Nice!! Looking forward to meeting up again!

  2. i've been sorely missing drawing group. Cant wait to get started again.
