Thursday, September 13, 2018

False alarm, No Drawing Tonight Sept. 13

We are experiencing a problem getting models and it has put a crimp into our getting back on schedule.  I'll be trying to straighten this out as quickly as I can.  I have been reticent to advertise for models, rather relying on word of mouth and recommendations from artists and other models.  It keeps the serious nature of what we do a bit more intact.  However I may have to rethink this and cast a net out and see what we get.  If any of the groups artists or past models have any contacts just let me know and we'll see where we can go from here. 

Thank you for your patience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How much does the model earn? I have a few folks I could talk with and possibly send your way to chat.
