Saturday, October 12, 2024

Good group for Lady S

W. Crain

W. Crain

 It's a great thing when you get so familiar with a model that you can consistently draw the figure and face.  Lady S is that model for us and we are very grateful for her continued work on our stage.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

From overflowing to empty easels...


Only six artists (no students) were able to draw from Mr. O.  Such is the fickle nature of the creative spirit, I guess.  Hope to see more this coming week.  Only time will tell.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Students and the old guard

Lady S and a roomful of grateful artists.  Nice turnout, folks.

Willy "Blind Dog" Crain

Friday, September 20, 2024

Last night with the gang


Will "The Rill Dill" Crain


Lady S always does such a great job for us.  A couple of new faces, a couple of old faces, a couple of students.  Well rounded evening.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Mr. O makes a return


 Good to see so many students dropping in.  Sure, it's mandatory, but it's also the first two sessions open to them and we've seen some enthusiastic young artists honing their figure drawing skills.  Way to make Jodi proud.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Big group to welcome this year's students

Will Crain, esq
Nice to see so many artists last night and especially some of the students from Jodi's class. Big thanks to Lady S for handling the modeling duties.  Sorry about the strain to your wrists.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Screech! Already a technical glitch...

 Sorry to say, but there will be no drawing tonight.  Model difficulties, donchaknow.  We'll try again next week.